Monday, May 11, 2009


Tagged by Prena..
Dont do this next time..
Coz its dumb questions..

What color socks are you wearing?
im bare footed.. do u hav problem wit it??

If you could get away scot-free, would you kill someone?
i wanna decrease my sins, so plz!!!

If aliens were attacking the Earth, would you run or make friends?
i dun trust in aliens all.. sori!!

What job do you see yourself at 20 years from now?

When was the last time you burst into song for no reason?
19 years ago..

What song was it?

Have you ever finger-painted?
i dun wanna be painted!!

When you die, where do you want to be buried?
near hell..

Do you consider a giant atom-smasher a threat to humanity?

Do you want pigs to fly?
i dun give a fuck bout it.. i juz need pork 2 eat.. thats all..

If you could be invisible for one day, what would you do?
there no such thing..

Would you rather fist-fight a badger or a koala?
i prefer koka koala!!!

What would the theme song of your life be?
i dun need it..

You have 70 seconds to live. What do you DO?!
er!! kill maself b4 70 seconds..

Where was the last place you swore you'd never go to again?

Does the Taco Bell dog scare you?
wat the fuck is Taco Bell dog?

Jedis or ninjas?
i prefer ninjas killing jedis and den kill themselves..

Would you trust a polar bear with your life?
is tis golden compass movie?? WTF??

Would you rather eat moldy meat or drink rotten milk?
i rather starve and die!!

Do you wish Pokemon were real?
i prefer pokemon having sex wit digimon..

Have you ever played chicken with cars just for the hell of it?
wat the fuck??

Would you take advice from a talking McDonalds sandwich?
den how d fuck i wanna eat it?? asshole!!!

What would you rather blow up: a puppy or a kitty?
i prefer puppy fight wit a kitty and both oso die at d last..

Do you understand what "e=mc2" means?
where d world find d end of world..

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