Saturday, March 13, 2010

Practical love??

Well, nothing much going on. Just finished mid-term break. Actually I wanted to stay at campus, just coz of some one's request, I went back. But, I get to know something. People don't actually change. They can say, they can act, wear a whole new mask in front of you, but as time passes by, everything will fade away.

I came across a blog, random girl (I'm not stalking). Well there was an old post which is kinda interesting:

"It’s Too Late"

Don't we all just fear hearing things like this?

It leaves you with room for nothing positive; all you have left is pain and sorrow. True, both can be overcome with time but when it also injects you with regret, you know you've hit a dead end.

No matter how long you wait, no matter how much you dream or wish you had done things differently, the fact remains that you simply cannot turn back the time. The damage is done and you are stuck with it for the rest of your life.

Because it is just too late.

And all you can do is to learn to accept it or suicide.

I dunno what's she going through, but this is so true. Sometimes you break some one's heart and it's too late to fix it. Well, since suicide can't be my option anymore, I'm learning to accept. Sometimes, I always say this, nothing you do now can't change what you did. Time to be strong and mature. True love is only once in lifetime and I already wasted the one and only chance. So, this is it. If you can't fix it, then fuck it.

p.s.: Practical love is much more better than unconditional love.

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