Thursday, August 27, 2009

American Suitehearts

Do you ever wonder why everything is so hard to obtain?? If everything is already written, then what's the point we tried so fucking much and at last realized that it's not for us?? And at last we will tell to ourselves, at least we tried. It's just doesn't make sense to me anymore. I don't have believe in such things anymore. I believed that everything will be okay one day, but now I realized tomorrow gonna be worst than today.

It's really hard to do what you don't want to do. What's the point we have talent if we can't use those to make us happy. The real happiness is when you see what you can do with what you have. It's not what people gonna say about it, it's about the person inside you. I can't forget my dream, sometimes I feel like wanna drop all those things. But it's inside me, a part of me, nowadays I barely do drawings. I feel like I lost it, it was the only part of myself I loved so much. The only part of me that I wanted to make satisfied. So much. Now, I dunno, I'm stuck between something that I really don't even know.

p.s.: Suffer for something that you don't want is much more worst than suffer for something that you want it with all your heart.

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